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Pathways To Peace: ALLMEP at the European Parliament

Last week, ALLMEP co-hosted an event at the European Parliament featuring five leading Israeli and Palestinian voices from our network for a panel discussion on civil society peacebuilding in the face of the current crisis. Hosted by the Greens/EFA Members of the European Parliament Jordi Solé, Margrete Auken, and Heidi Hautala, the event featured Amira Mohammed (ROPES), Anton Goodman (Rabbis for Human Rights), Hela Lahar (Tech2Peace), Mohammad Asideh (Project Rozana) and Muhammad Darawshe (Givat Haviva).


Arab Israeli conflict-resolution activist helps keeps the peace

After October 7th, Mohammad Darawshe quickly mobilized efforts to prevent escalation, organizing Arab leaders and promoting unity between communities. Givat Haviva provided refuge for displaced residents and established mental health support and arts workshops. Despite personal tragedy, Darawshe remained committed to fostering cooperation between Jewish and Arab citizens, advocating for initiatives like bringing Arab teachers into Jewish schools. He emphasizes the importance of genuine connection built on mutual interests and shared experiences, shaped by his own diverse education and mentorship.


Receiving stories and wrestling with pedagogic tensions post-Oct. 7

Rabbi Laura Novak Winer discusses the challenges faced by educators in the aftermath of October 7th. She reflects on a recent trip to Israel with other educators where they met with community leaders, families of those taken hostages and organizations. One of the organizations the delegation met with was Givat Haviva. 


Hudson Rabbi Shares Emotional Experience of Recent Israeli Visit

On a recent visit, a rabbi from Ohio met with Mohammad Darawshe from Givat Haviva and discussed the current situation in Israel and its impact on Arab citizens of Israel.


Unity and Resilience: Atlanta's Jewish Professionals Reflect on a Recent Visit to Israel

A group of professionals from Atlanta visited areas directly impacted by the Attacks on October 7th. zone of their stops was Givat Haviva, where they Met with Mohammad Darwashe and learned about Givat Haviva's critical peacebuilding work.  They spoke with the families of October 7th victims and visited the site of the Nova Music festival.


Arab students at Israeli universities facing punitive actions for support of Palestine

Many Arab-Palestinian students in Israel have been detained, harassed, expelled and subjected to legal proceedings for expressing opinions on social media platforms. The situation has led to disciplinary actions by universities and debates regarding freedom of speech. Arab students have been particularly targeted, raising concerns about discrimination and selective enforcement of laws.


Its Urgent to Invest in Arab Integration in Israel- Opinion

This article discusses the recent survey Givat Haviva put out on Jewish and Arab attitudes towards one another in Israel after October 7th. This article explains the importance of investing in Arab society and maintaining Jewish- Arab relations in Israel.


Israeli Arabs' Identity Crisis in Light of the Gaza War

This article mentions Givat Haviva and quotes Mohammad Darawshe. The article discusses the suppression of freedom of expression among Palestinian citizens of Israel regarding the Israel-Hamas conflict, with consequences for expressing sympathy towards Gaza. While tensions persist, there has been no violence between Jewish and Arab citizens. Activists navigate identities, some supporting Israel's actions while seeking to end Gaza suffering.

Peacebuilding Special Issue- Givat Haviva

Jack Omer-Jackaman interviews Mohammad Darawshe and Michal Sela of Givat Haviva

Israeli Civil Society During War

Session 3 - Prof. Yehudah Mirsky in conversation with Mohammad Darawshe, Givat Haviva Center for Shared Society. December 14, 2023.

Even as War Rages in Gaza, Israel's Arabs are Feeling More Israeli

The article examines the unique response of Israel's Arab citizens to the conflict with Hamas, noting a striking contrast to past clashes. Despite fears, arrests, and threats by far-right figures now in positions of power, Israel's Arabs have largely maintained a studied silence during the current conflict. Opinion polls, including one by Givat Haviva, suggest that over half of Arab respondents attribute this calm to a desire for peace and shared destiny with mainstream Israel, signaling an unexpected inclination towards integration. However, deep communal divisions persist, with discriminatory views among some Jewish Israelis. Despite feeling closer to the state, Israel's Arabs emphasize their unwavering Palestinian identity and empathy for both Palestinian and Jewish pain.

Home in a Time of Hopelessness

This article highlights Givat Haviva's compassionate response to the October 7th Attacks. Providing, refuge for over 260 evacuees, offering essential support such as housing and meals ,despite budget constraints. Givat Haviva's dedicated staff, comprising both Jewish and Arab members, worked tirelessly to ensure the well-being of those seeking shelter. Community support, including a significant grant from CJP's Israel Emergency Fund, played a crucial role.


The Arab-Israeli experience since October 7th

Mohammad and Jack Omer-Jackaman discuss the high level of national Israeli identification amongst Arab-Israelis since the Hamas massacre, and the future prospects for coexsietence. Darawshe is Director of Planning, Equality and Shared Society at Givat Haviva Educational Centre, and a fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute.

How Jewish and Arab Israelis Seek Pieces of Peace During War

The eyes of the world are trained on Israel and Gaza like no time in recent memory. The horror of October 7th ignited a firestorm that will reverberate for generations to come. Yet, in the midst of unfathomable pain borne by families on both sides of the Israel Hamas War, there is an ongoing search for pieces of peace. Jewish and Arab Israelis working together toward a shared society.

Shared society Initiatives Bearing Fruit with Arab Jewish Relations in Israel

Despite incitement and incendiary remarks, ‘responsible people behaving responsibly’ have so far prevented mob violence like that seen in the May 2021 Gaza conflict.

PDF here


Between Israelis and Palestinians, a Lethal Psychological Chasm Grows

In a conflict marked by complete incomprehension on both sides, the ability to see each other as human has been lost. This NYT article featuring Mohammad Darawshe goes into depth on the current attitudes in Israel during the current war.

An Arab-Israeli Paramedic Was Killed on Oct. 7. His Cousin Strives for Peace | Amanpour and Company

Mohammad Darawshe is an Arab citizen of Israel, and in a recent article says he feels as though his state is fighting its own people. Mohammad’s cousin, Awad, was killed in the Hamas attacks on October 7th whilst still working as a paramedic at the Nova musical festival. He shared his story with President Biden recently during his visit to Israel and joins the show to tell us more.

The Arabs in Israel experience systematic persecution by the system

Long derided as naïve, even traitors, the bridge builders between Israelis and Palestinians sense opportunity in the aftermath of the Hamas attack.

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Peace, a Forgotten Word, Renews its Claim in the Holy Land- New York Times

Long derided as naïve, even traitors, the bridge builders between Israelis and Palestinians sense opportunity in the aftermath of the Hamas attack.

Palestinians Living in Israel Watch Conflict Escalate

Israel's military says it's now advancing toward Gaza City, after its forces cut the enclave into two. The number of Palestinians killed in Gaza since Hamas attacked Israel has surpassed 10,000. Mohammad Darawshe  told the ABC NewsRadio's Thomas Oriti Palestinians living in Israel are painfully watching a "tragedy" unfold, as the conflict escalates.

Arab Citizens of Israel Say They Face Growing Backlash

The October attacks by Hamas militants left some in their own community dead, but Arabs in Israel say they are taking heat for the assault

Link to article here

Opinion: Arab Citizens of Israel Face a Cruel Quandary: Our State is Fighting Our Own People

This war has put us, Arab citizens of Israel, in an unprecedented, impossible situation, caught between Hamas, to whose brutality we lost family members, the disproportionate bombing of Gaza, and police McCarthyism when we express the right to feel compassion towards the Palestinian people

Man with Cleveland ties meets with President Biden during visit to Israel

Givat Haviva's Mohammad Darawshe meets with Joe Biden to discuss the current situation in Israel and how it impacts Jewish and Arab citizens of Israel

The Violent Crime Wave Facing Arab Citizens

Mohammad Darawshe, an expert on Arab-Jewish relations in Israel, joins host Neri Zilber for a deep dive into the escalating violent crime and murder wave in Arab Israeli communities. They discuss the root causes of what is already a tragically record-breaking year, the absence of the Israeli state in Arab towns and villages, the proliferation of organized crime families, the impact of the violence on regular Arab citizens, the complete failure of National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir and the Netanyahu government to address the issue, and the current state of play in Arab-Israeli politics.

Participants from the Bara'em Hi-Tech Seeds program discuss their experiences in the program. Bara'em Hi-Tech gives promising Arab high school students the opportunity to take additional classes and hearn credits toward a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, while in high school.

Hear from alumni from our Heart to Heart program that brings Jewish and Arab students together for three weeks at a summer camp in Canada. During the program, students discuss identity, politics, and their experiences in Israel.

Givat Haviva's CEO, Michal Sella explains the current situation in Israel, and what it means for the future. You will also hear from some of Givat Haviva's program participants in the Through Other's Eyes program

Beyond eating Hummus together: Israel's third wave of changemaking

How has peacebuilding work in Israel changed over the years? Mohammad Darawshe discusses Givat Haviva's approach and why this work is so important for Israel and for the world.

How Did Arab Voters React to Benjamin Netanyahu's Victory?

Mohammad Darawshe explains the implications of the recent elections on Arab-Israelis, and the Arab population's thoughts and feelings about the incoming coalition and government.

Will Arab Voters Decide the Israeli Election? 

Hear Mohammad Darawshe, Givat Haviva's Head of Strategy and expert on Arab-Jewish relations in Israel, take a deep dive into the current state of Arab-Israeli politics ahead of the November 1 Israeli election.

Mohammad and Israel Policy Pod host Neri Zilber discuss reasons behind the expected low turnout in Arab society, the divisions amongst Arab political parties, how Mansour Abbas is viewed after his historic move to join a governing coalition, and why Arab-Israelis likely hold the key to whether Benjamin Netanyahu returns to power or Yair Lapid continues as Prime Minister. 

Bridging the Gulf Between Arab Citizens and the Gulf

This article gives more background on the implicaitons of the Abraham accords for Palestinian citizens of Israel.  Mohammad Darawshe discusses his own identity as a Palestinian living in Israel, and the complicated feelings that many Arab-Israeli citizens have. 

Arab Students with Israeli Citizenship Grapple with Their Identity

This article features a student from Givat Haviva International School, Ibrahim Hojerat. He discusses his identity and his experience at Givat Haviva International School.

For older articles and newsletters please click here to head to the Givat Haviva Israel website where you can find articles, newsletters, and blog posts about Givat Haviva


For more videos, you can check out our YouTube channel here.

Find out more about Givat Haviva's Teacher Exchange Program from faculty and students 

CEO of Givat Haviva, Michal Sella explains the importance of education in creating a Shared Society

Hear experts, including members of Givat Haviva's team, discuss the pressing issues in Arab society

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